So you want to start yoga
Your thinking about starting yoga but unsure if it's for you? Then keep reading.

Being a beginner in anything can be daunting, especially yoga due to all the misconception's about it. Well I'm here to tell you that, yoga is for everybody and I mean EVERYBODY, no matter what their age, sex size or flexibility. I started yoga at 37 years old, I wasn't flexible, well not anymore, when I was in my 20s I could do the splits but that had completely gone and I was over weight due to the amount of junk I ate in my second pregnancy. So if I can do it then you can too!
What is Yoga
Yoga is ancient practice that brings the mind and body together through breath, movement and medition. It's an art and scince of healthy living. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', which means 'to join' or 'to yoke'.
The Importance of Breath Work
Conscious breathing helps us relax and allows for deeper stretches during yoga practice, as we inhale we expand our bodies and as we exhale we can go deeper into the pose.
But thats not the only reason breath work is important in yoga, the breath conects our mind to our bodies, which enables us to relax and let go of any negative feeling or thoughts that we may have this can reduce anxiety and stress.
Yoga without breath work is just stretching which is great for our bodies but when the two are together it can help us reach a state of enlightenment.
The breath is thought to carry your life force and to clear not only emotional but also the physical obstacles which extends your life.

Finding a style that's for YOU
What are you hoping to gain from your yoga practice? There are many types of yoga and there's not always a one size fits all. I personally like to switch it up depending on my mood.
Go to different yoga classes and try different teachers to help you find what you enjoy.
Here are some different types of yoga classes to help you make a decision.
A relaxing slow based yoga class where you hold passive poses for longer period of time.
A creative form of yoga where you link the breath to movment in a flowing sequence.
A physically demanding style of yoga. Where you follow a set sequence of postures each time, gradually progressing through the series.
Hatha yoga places emphasis on controlled breathing and posture. Building core strength, which is key to good posture, its great for beginners and learning alignment.
Bikram yoga
A fixed sequence of postures, practised in a room heated to 105 °F (41 °C) with a humidity of 40%, intended to replicate the climate of India.
What to Wear
Anything that you feel comfortable in, that allows you the freedom to move your body.

Benifits of a Consistent Yoga Practice
Yoga improves strengh flexibility and balance, it helps manage stress and anxiety and can ease symptons of medical conditions such a arthritis and back pain, while having many benifits for heart health.
Yoga promotes better self care and helps you listen to your body, it helps you to accept who you are and to live in the moment.
What's stopping you? Give it a try.